MTTA 12 Percival Constantine

Meet Author Percival Constantine

Meet the Thriller Author PodcastPercival Constantine was born and raised in the Chicagoland area and now lives in Japan.

He has been working in publishing since 2005 in various capacities—author, editor, formatter, letterer—and he’s written books, short stories, comics, and more.

You can find him on his website, Facebook, and Twitter.

Percival Constantine’s Books

Percival Constantine Books

Percival Constantine Books

Author influences: Elmore Leonard

Links Discussed

Scrivener is the writing software that we both use.

Scapple is a mind-mapping like software program from the developers of Scrivener.

Omni Focus is the software app Percival uses to stay organized.

5,000 Words Per Hour is a book and app for writers wanting to learn how to write faster. This helped Percival increase is output.

The 5,000 Words Per Hour App helps your writing sprints and it has that surprise woo-hoo when you succeed in your writing sprint.

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About the Author
I write thriller and crime fiction novels and host the Meet the Thriller Author podcast where I interview authors of mystery, thriller, and suspense books.