John Ellsworth was a trial lawyer with forty years of trial experience who now writes page-turning bestselling legal thrillers. He has published over 15 novels in thirty months and his books have been download over one million times since then.
John is self-published and enjoys the freedom of choosing his own release schedule, selecting covers, and marketing his own work.
Connect with John Ellsworth
John Ellsworth Books
The Thaddeus Murfee Legal Thrillers (11 books so far)
The Michael Gresham Legal Thrillers (four books so far)
Show Notes
Joe Konrath – bestselling author and self-published indie author advocate and pioneer. John spent a weekend reading Joe’s blog saving him from the money pit of vanity publishing and putting John on the right track of self-publishing. Joe Konrath’s site is a must stop for aspiring indie writers.
Nathan Wampler – designer of John’s book covers.
Writing software: Scrivener
Author influences include: John Grisham, Scott Turow, and Michael Connelly
John has teamed up with twelve other bestselling authors for an action-packed box set called the Thriller Thirteen with all proceeds going to charity! The Thriller Thirteen will be donating 100% of all profits to the International Justice Mission (IJM) which works to end the exploitation and human trafficking of children around the world.
3 comments on “MTTA 32: John Ellsworth”
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I am a John Ellsworth fan and really enjoyed the interview!
Thank you for listening and for the feedback! I’m glad you enjoyed the interview.