Author Interview John Ellsworth Legal Thriller WriterJohn Ellsworth was a trial lawyer with forty years of trial experience who now writes page-turning bestselling legal thrillers. He has published over 15 novels in thirty months and his books have been download over one million times since then.

John is self-published and enjoys the freedom of choosing his own release schedule, selecting covers, and marketing his own work.

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John Ellsworth Books

The Thaddeus Murfee Legal Thrillers (11 books so far)

John Ellsworth Legal Thrillers

The Michael Gresham Legal Thrillers (four books so far)

Show Notes

Joe Konrath – bestselling author and self-published indie author advocate and pioneer. John spent a weekend reading Joe’s blog saving him from the money pit of vanity publishing and putting John on the right track of self-publishing. Joe Konrath’s site is a must stop for aspiring indie writers.

Nathan Wampler – designer of John’s book covers.

Writing software: Scrivener

Author influences include: John Grisham, Scott Turow, and Michael Connelly

John has teamed up with twelve other bestselling authors for an action-packed box set called the Thriller Thirteen with all proceeds going to charity! The Thriller Thirteen will be donating 100% of all profits to the International Justice Mission (IJM) which works to end the exploitation and human trafficking of children around the world.

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About the Author
I write thriller and crime fiction novels and host the Meet the Thriller Author podcast where I interview authors of mystery, thriller, and suspense books.

3 comments on “MTTA 32: John Ellsworth

  1. Terry Duncan says:

    I am a John Ellsworth fan and really enjoyed the interview!

    1. Alan says:

      Thank you for listening and for the feedback! I’m glad you enjoyed the interview.

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