A.M. Adair writes action-packed spy/military thrillers. She is an active duty Chief Warrant Officer in the United States Navy with over 20 years in the Intelligence Community. She has been to numerous countries all around the world, to include multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. Her experiences have been unique and provided her imagination with a wealth of material to draw from to give her stories life.
A lifelong fan of the genre, she is an associate member of International Thriller Writers. Shadow Game was her debut novel, and the first book in the Elle Anderson series. Her latest novel, Shadow War was published on March 7, 2022.
She lives in Virginia with her family.
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Craft tools: Grammerly. MS Word.

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[00:00:00.250] – Alan Petersen
You are listening to Meet the Thriller Author, the podcast where I interview mystery and filler authors. My name is Alan Petersen and this is episode number 185. In this episode, we’ll be meeting veteran and author A.M. Adair. Ama writes Action Pack Thrillers, and the third book in the Elle Anderson series, Shadow War, was published in March. It’s available now on Amazon and all the other bookselling sites. So go check it out. Before we get to the interview, I wanted to let you know about a great deal from deposit photos. When it comes to stock photos, you want royalty free access to an absolutely massive library of high quality images, which is available on deposit photos. It’s my go to place for finding stock images for my social media post, my Facebook ads website all of the time that I need a quality stock image. I just go to deposit photo. Deposit photo and AppSumo have teamed up once again to offer their famous and amazing deal. We can get 100 stock photo and vector images downloads of any size that never expire. You can download that image today or three years from now. It’s going to be fine. It’s going to work just perfectly. And now they’re also offering an unlimited stacking. So if you need more than 100 images, go for it. You can buy 200, 500, 1,000 images or more. It’s an amazing deal. And it starts with that $39 for 100 royalty free images. And remember, they have over 195,000,000 plus images. So there’ll be plenty of choices for you to bring to life your ebook, your blog, your website, social media, emails, whatever you need. Royalty images for. Deposit photos will have cool images for you. And this is also really cool. This time your purchase supports a good cause. Right now, 10% of AppSumo’s. Proceeds will go to the relief efforts in Ukraine. So you can check out this deal and learn more about that and about the amazing deal by visiting at THRILLINGREADS.COM/STOCK All right, here is my interview with A.M. Adair.
[00:02:11.610] – Alan Petersen
Hey, everybody, this is Alan with Meet the Thriller Author podcast. Today I have A.M. Adair, who is an active duty chief warrant officer in the United States Navy with over 20 years in the intelligence community. She’s a lifelong fan of the thriller genre and she writes the Elle Anderson novels, which is an action packed military espionage thriller series. The third book in the series, Shadow War, was published on March 7. Welcome to the podcast, Ama.
[00:02:38.430] – A.M. Adair
Thank you so much for having me.
[00:02:40.450] – Alan Petersen
So it’s kind of cool. I’ve had the pleasure of interviewing many veterans who began writing and publishing books after they retired. You’re the first active duty person on the podcast, so thank you so much for taking time to talk to us.
[00:02:54.650] – A.M. Adair
My pleasure.
[00:02:58.170] – Alan Petersen
Tell us a little bit what you could tell us about your military career so far. And I’m also very curious. Did you have to get special permission, or do they leave your personal life alone?
[00:03:08.670] – A.M. Adair
Well, you don’t have much of a personal life when it comes to being in the military. So as you said, it’s been over 20 years now. I’m actually going to be retiring on October 1 at a little over 21 years of service. And my entire career has been in the intelligence community. It has been really, really interesting to say. It’s been an adventure would be a bit of an understatement. So it does kind of dovetail perfectly that thrillers are my thing, and that’s the genre of choice for not only what I read, but what I write. Just my experiences, real world have created so many avenues for my imagination to just go crazy and have a field day. And so being able to put pen to paper, so to speak, has been not just a great creative outlet, but therapeutic in a lot of ways.
[00:04:00.160] – Alan Petersen
I think that’s so cool right now with all the military thrillers out there are mostly written by actual veterans nowadays. So that gives it so much realism.
[00:04:09.160] – A.M. Adair
It does. And you can always tell when you pick up a book and there are people who are brilliant when it comes to research, but there’s always the little details that jump off the page at you when you know somebody’s actually been there, done that, just demeanor, mannerisms, choice of verbiage. The details are really what set things apart for somebody who’s actually got the real world experience. And it does add another element to the story.
[00:04:35.050] – Alan Petersen
So are you planning now, once you retire, are you planning to then focus on the writing full time, or is that going to be a second career?
[00:04:43.420] – A.M. Adair
That’s what I would like to do very much. Pursuing that angle, I’m still a bit of a realist and understand that it might not happen. So I’m going to keep writing one way or the other, whether or not that will be something I’ll be able to do as a full time job. Oh, we’ll see. But it’s something I enjoy and it’s not something I’m ever going to give up.
[00:05:06.970] – Alan Petersen
We talked about it a little bit here. You’ve been a lifelong fan of the genre. I’m kind of curious over some of the early books that got you hooked.
[00:05:13.140] – A.M. Adair
Truthfully, I was really into when I was young, R. L. Stein’s, Fear Street and the Christopher Pike books. And then as I got a little bit older, James Patterson’s Kiss The Girls jumped out vividly in my memory. And I read a lot of Dean Koontz, so I was really more into the suspense aspect of the thriller genre. And then as things progressed, years went by. Brad Thor still reading a lot of James Patterson currently way into Jack Carr, so it’s just kind of evolved over the years. But still within that wheelhouse.
[00:05:50.320] – Alan Petersen
Did you always wanted to be a writer, or is that tough to come later?
[00:05:55.290] – A.M. Adair
It actually came later. I’ve been fiddling around with writing my entire life without ever actually considering myself a writer. Like, even as a kid telling little stories in my own little Journal. I think most kids have their own little world that they lose themselves into with their imagination. And I was even telling stories back then, but this was just for me. It wasn’t ever something I thought I would share with the world. So when I finally put pen to paper again as a way to tell a story that I intended to share. At first, it was one of those things I didn’t think I would actually be able to do. But then I started having so much fun with it. I decided I was just going to take the story wherever it went. And then as soon as it was finished, I was like, well, why not? Why not try my hand at this whole querying and publishing thing? And I haven’t looked back since. Once I made that decision, it was just game on.
[00:06:48.520] – Alan Petersen
What can you tell us about Shadow War and the Elle Anderson series? Like, what’s it about and what inspired it?
[00:06:54.990] – A.M. Adair
So the entire series is inspired truthfully by a real world event. So nothing happened. So this isn’t a cautionary tale or anything, but it was one of those instances where my imagination went into overdrive. I was in a convoy that was going outside of the Green Zone in Baghdad into what we called the Red Zone at the time. And we turned down a street that is straight out of the movies. As soon as you see it, all the hair on the back of your neck stands on end. The dark buildings on either side of you. All the windows are open to the streets. Some of them are broken out, and you don’t know who might be watching you. And as we’re going down on that road, all I could think of was, what if I grabbed my own for a little tighter, really kind of edge up in my seat, just ready, just bracing for what I thought was going to be an inevitable ambush. But we made it through. But that what if factor didn’t leave me. So that really was the Genesis of my story. It was a scene I just kept playing out in my head. What if? And eventually, I just went ahead and started writing it out and developed characters similar to some of the people I’ve worked with. Like, I took a composite of a lot of the people I’ve known over the years and thought about, okay, if I were in this situation, if I were able to do whatever I wanted to do, how would I approach that? And that’s kind of how I came up with the character of L Anderson was my idea in my head of, like, if I could do anything I want, this is who I would want to be. Here’s how I would handle the situation. Kind of like how Leechild Equates, Jack Reacher. It’s like all the things that he would want to do, but you can’t. And then I ran with it. I started thinking about, okay, how would I approach this target, having the intel background? That was a fun game for me. In an imaginary world, how would I prosecute these targets? How would I come with my list? What information would I want to know? And then how would I execute missions? It was a blast.
[00:09:11.850] – Alan Petersen
Yes. It sounds like a big cathartic for you because in your real job, there’s rules and laws and all that stuff. And then you could like, well, if I could really do what I wanted to do.
[00:09:21.840] – A.M. Adair
Absolutely. And I still joke about it to this day. People ask me all the time what’s it like. It’s great. I go into the office and if I ever feel like strangling somebody, I can just go home and actually do it on paper and nobody’s upset. It’s actually entertainment. But, yeah, that’s how it works for me. Like a lot of veterans, we all struggle with some sort of not necessarily post traumatic stress, but stress related mental health issues. And so through my character going through some trauma, I was able to work through some of my own stress related issues on the page as well. So that’s why I’m talking about the cathartic nature of just being able to let my mind wander and get creative. But at the same time, I can work some stuff out.
[00:10:07.190] – Alan Petersen
Yeah. I’ve interviewed some authors who are veterans and combat veterans, and they said that the writing has actually kind of saved them.
[00:10:18.170] – A.M. Adair
And I can completely understand where they’re coming from, from that because it is a completely unfettered world that you can throw yourself into so you can work out your what if scenarios. You can explore different emotions, different thoughts, and it can be done through your characters. You can see how your characters would respond, not necessarily how you would respond. And that can be helpful.
[00:10:43.840] – Alan Petersen
Kind of curious, too. Now to ask you this is how much of you is in Elle Anderson.
[00:10:50.850] – A.M. Adair
I’ve been accused of having a lot of me leak through in the pages. People who know me very well tell me that they hear me speak during some of the dialogue, not necessarily just Elle’s dialogue, but all the characters they’ll hear me come across in the dialogue or in some of the mannerisms. And it was unintentional, but apparently it’s in there. I really did try to separate myself from my characters and really just try to let the characters speak for themselves. But I guess every creator leaves a little piece of them in their creation. And apparently that’s happened to me as well. But it is fictional, is entirely fictional. Nothing. And there is real the acts and a lot of the experiences, the places that has bases in reality. But the story is fictional. And even despite that, I had to go and get it cleared by the Pentagon. You asked earlier if I had to get it cleared, and that absolutely I have to send everything I write to be screened, not just for inadvertent security classification or inadvertently putting something in there I shouldn’t, but just to make sure that there’s nothing in there that would be viewed as problematic for the Department of Defense.
[00:12:11.310] – Alan Petersen
Oh, that’s like a very different kind of developmental editing.
[00:12:16.200] – A.M. Adair
I guess it is. It’s a bit of a subjective process, so you’ll hear a lot of the authors who are veterans talk about it, how everybody seems to have a different experience. So far, I’ve been very lucky. I think that’s just because of my background, I’m a little savvier when it comes to writing things for release and steering clear of things that could be sensitive or classified. And so it’s made it easier for me. But I can totally understand how everybody has a lot of difficulty going through the process. And it’s a little frustrating when you just have to wait for something that you know is good.
[00:12:56.500] – Alan Petersen
I can just imagine I’m being assuming here, but government moves kind of slow sometimes. It must be a little impatient for you to wait.
[00:13:06.630] – A.M. Adair
Yeah. They don’t give you timelines. Hey, we received it. Here’s your case number, and we’ll be back in touch. And then it’s nothing. Crickets. I think it’s probably akin to what a lot of people experience when they’re querying for the first time. You send your creative works out into the world, and then you just sit back with your fingers crossed and hope in silence. You get to do it again with the government.
[00:13:34.020] – Alan Petersen
Yeah. About 80% of the queries you never even hear back from, ever.
[00:13:37.880] – A.M. Adair
Yes. It just disappeared into the abyss.
[00:13:42.390] – Alan Petersen
Kind of curious. After you retire, is that done or is there like a period after retirement that you have to deal with that or is it over once you’re done?
[00:13:51.480] – A.M. Adair
No, there’s everybody who gets out generally. Well, anybody who retires generally is put into like an inactive reserve position until they hit 30 years. And at 30 years, then you’re officially retired. But it would have to take something pretty severe for them to call me back out of retirement. So I’m really hoping that doesn’t happen. But it is what it is.
[00:14:16.500] – Alan Petersen
Yeah. That would be really bad news if something happened like that.
[00:14:20.210] – A.M. Adair
Yeah, it’d probably be bad day for many people. But in theory, once I get out, both my husband and I are active duty. We’re both retiring at the same time. We’re going to move on to the next chapter of our lives, and hopefully mine will revolve heavily around writing. But if not, I’m thinking about working in a bookstore. So again, still not involving writing, but just surrounding myself with books. Just because at this point in my life, I think I’m ready to let go of some of the life or death consequence responsibilities and just enjoy my occupation. Enjoy my life. I can’t think of anything better than being surrounded by books and having to talk about books all day. I could live with that.
[00:15:06.400] – Alan Petersen
Yeah, that’s awesome. But a nice change of pace for you after 20 plus years of active duty, I imagine.
[00:15:18.010] – A.M. Adair
Don’t get me wrong, it’s been great. I never really thought I would do a career of it, but it has been great. I think everybody knows when it’s time to move on, and it’s time care is enough.
[00:15:28.580] – Alan Petersen
Obviously, with your background and a lot about the world that you’re writing in, but do you still find yourself doing a lot of research for your books before you start to write them? What’s your research process like?
[00:15:39.490] – A.M. Adair
My research process usually goes into when? Well, truthfully, when either my story goes in a direction that I didn’t anticipate or my character would react differently than I anticipate. That sounds a little odd, and I know it’s a hard concept for people to understand, but once I stopped trying to force my characters to go into a direction, writing became a lot more fun. And the stories, I think, took on a life of their own, literally, where I was just putting myself into the character shoes. What would this character do? And then because of my characters either background or thought processes, I found myself doing research. Then, like my second in command to Al is an ex Army Ranger, which I have some experience with Rangers, but I never was one. So having to try to do things from his perspective, same thing. Another team member is really fantastic with everything that is technical. And for me, I’m two steps shy of a Luddite. If I touch my computer wrong, everything falls apart. So I have to do a little research there, too, just to make sure I try to hit the right notes to make each character flesh out a little bit better.
[00:16:53.600] – Alan Petersen
Once you’re ready process like, do you outline or do you, like, right by the seat of your pants?
[00:16:57.910] – A.M. Adair
I’m a little bit of most, so probably more of a pantser than most, but I do still have a general outline, so like I said, I came up with a target list. I came up with my ideas. I write things down as a framework, basically, and then I just let myself play within the framework, and so I’ll keep key details they’ll keep tabs of. Just that way, I make sure I have some continuity throughout, but for the most part, I came up with the general here’s my target list, and here’s how I want to attack it. And then I’ve been enjoying that ride along with my characters as I figure out how I’m taking out the target list. It’s been a blast.
[00:17:37.230] – Alan Petersen
And you set goals when you’re working on a project. I know it’s kind of hard with your day job, like a word count goals.
[00:17:45.010] – A.M. Adair
Oh, man. I’ve tried what I’ve eventually settled on, and I have a literary manager, and he told me once, a little and a little is a lot, and that has stuck with me. And I’ve tried to just do something, even if it’s only right one sentence or just update one thing. Try to do something every day and give myself a little bit of a break. Because as much as I would love to say, I could sit down and write 10. 00, 20. 00 words a day like some authors do. You’re right. I have a full time job, I have two children, and it’s a little complicated to try to devote as much time as I would like to do my craft. So at this point, I just have to do whatever I can whenever I can.
[00:18:28.080] – Alan Petersen
It’s working out pretty well, though, right? Because you have three books so far in the series, so it’s working well.
[00:18:32.970] – Alan Petersen
It also helps that I really don’t sleep.
[00:18:35.890] – Alan Petersen
Okay, there you go.
[00:18:37.690] – A.M. Adair
When the Insomnia takes over, you just can’t fall back asleep and chances are you’ll find me grabbing my laptop.
[00:18:45.610] – Alan Petersen
That’s what I was going to ask you, too. Do you usually try to write in the same place, but if you’re just stealing moments here and there, probably whenever you can, right?
[00:18:54.890] – A.M. Adair
Yeah. When I was writing my first book, I started it actually while I was on a deployment. So I did have a spot that I like to go to and say just drink coffee and just put in some headphones and go. And that’s still my ideal. If I can have a coffee and just put in my headphones and just go and have nobody bother me. It’s perfect. But life tends to be less than cooperative when it comes to doing things like that. So it really is like I’ll take my daughter gymnastics and I’ll take my laptop with me and just try to jam out whatever I can. But she’s in gymnastics. Or like I said, when I can’t sleep, I’ll try to see what I can work out.
[00:19:34.990] – Alan Petersen
And what do you use to write your books? You use your laptop, you use like, Word or some other writing program?
[00:19:40.930] – A.M. Adair
I use Word. And then a couple of years ago, I discovered Grammarly, which has been caught significant benefit to me. My editor is amazing, but she’s also the devil. And so anything that I can do to keep her from making me feel like I’m a complete before I hand it to her is good. So Grammarly has spared me some of the proverbial red ink with her, so I continue to use that as well.
[00:20:10.530] – Alan Petersen
Yeah, that’s a great program to be able to try to send the cleanest manuscript possible to the editor.
[00:20:16.270] – A.M. Adair
Yeah, I’ve learned so much from her, and she’s been phenomenal. But yeah, every time I think I was like, this is the best I could do. This is amazing. And then she comes back. She’s like, yeah, you could do better. You take the punch in the gut. Okay. All right, back to it.
[00:20:39.730] – Alan Petersen
You’re, like, looking at the email from the editor? You’re like, oh, no. When you first get that manuscript back.
[00:20:44.940] – A.M. Adair
You get those butterflies in your stomachs every single time you think you can get used to it. But every single time, I’m like, did she like it? And usually she’s great with the positive reinforcement. She’ll start with something really fantastic. Like, this was amazing. Here it is. Brace for shock. All right. But the bright side is, she doesn’t just say, this sucks and fixed. It says, hey, I didn’t get this because or this didn’t make sense because she’ll give me her perspective on it, which is really great for me, because then I take a look at it more with the analytical mind. Like, okay, if this person, who is a civilian, didn’t understand this, or this person didn’t quite get what I was trying to get from the sequence, and I can use that as a data point to go back and kind of shape things to make sure that I’m reaching a broader base of readers instead of just military has its own jargon. I could go and talk acronyms forever. And then we would still confuse each other because we got 50 different meanings for each acronym. But similar background. People would understand things differently than somebody who does not have the same background. So I find all of her feedback extremely valuable, even if it hurts.
[00:22:03.070] – Alan Petersen
Yeah. Painful but necessary process.
[00:22:06.150] – A.M. Adair
[00:22:07.010] – Alan Petersen
I also saw your website. I was checking your website before a call, and you have, like, a graphic novel version of Shadow Game that’s out, or is it coming out? Can you tell us about that project? That’s kind of cool.
[00:22:19.870] – A.M. Adair
It was in a very ambitious project, and 2020 hindsight, you definitely need to know what you’re getting into before you go and switch mediums. So I’m a nerd. I speak nerd in multiple languages, and comics is just one facet that I’m not as well versed as I would like to be, but I’ve always been fascinated with it. So in my head, Shadow Game had a lot of really great visual potential. I was thinking film, TV. But then I went to a Comic Con, and I could do this. I think I could turn my book into this. So I shopped around online for an artist. A graphic artist who was willing to take on the project with me ended up auditioning a few people, and Ray Lopez was the one who did the concept art that I love the most. So we partnered up, and it was also a first time project for him. So we were both learning as we went along and mistakes were made, as I found out. But eventually we got into a really good rhythm, like, he had really great instincts. He had read the book and liked it. We had a lot of the same viewpoints on things. What I ended up having to do, though, was as the author and the writer was go through and cut a significant amount of the book and just kind of shape scenes. Almost like I was directing for an actual movie. Like, hey, this scene we’re going to have, this type of thing here is going to be the dialogue, this scene, this type of thing. Here’s the dialogue. But then I would let him take it from a creative thing. Like, I might say, hey, we need to have them get no car. He could have whatever angles he wanted, however he wanted it to happen. He can make the transitions look however he wanted, and he was very receptive to any feedback I had. So it ended up being a phenomenal collaborative event, but it took significantly longer than either of us were anticipating. Going through. The process of trying to figure out how to independently publish a graphic novel is another hurdle to leap. I’m trying to figure out something that someplace would have the right color scheme just to be able to get it printed off. And so it doesn’t look completely muddied. Eventually we got there, but what I’m intending to do with it is keep it as a limited run edition, and I’m going to quarry it just like you would query a book. So right now my manager, fingers crossed, is working a couple of angles to see if we can get one of the major comet companies to pick it up, because then I can actually hand them a product. Like, here’s all the digitals and here’s what it could potentially look like, but then they can manipulate. We could tweak as they see fit. So they’re getting a product that’s essentially complete. They would just need to put whatever love or spin they need on to it to make it their own or part of the brand. And I’m hoping that will be a lot more attractive. That and it’s something that we could hand potentially to anybody in the future. Say, hey, it’s like a storyboard of what a TV show or a movie could look like. So we’ve actually plotted out here’s some action for you visually so you can see what potentially we could make with this. Like the right director, the right cast. It could be fantastic.
[00:25:35.370] – Alan Petersen
Yeah, that sounds really cool.
[00:25:37.810] – A.M. Adair
I got lucky. Ray was fantastic, but it is definitely not a simple process. And for anybody who wants to try it, look up how to do a script or a graphic novel or comic and then talk to somebody who’s really smart in the business. So that way you know how you want to break it down, because those are all things I was learning as we were already in it. So the learning curve was straight up.
[00:26:03.740] – Alan Petersen
Yeah, that’s fascinating too, because what you mentioned. It’s kind of like having to write a screenplay of your novel Because you have to cut a little stuff out and then you can’t make it.
[00:26:15.270] – A.M. Adair
The flip side of that is on the graphic novel, you don’t want to go too much in the dialogue. So a lot of times both are very visual, but you’re going to have a lot more dialogue in a movie mostly than you are in a comic book Because you don’t want just pages and pages of pages of words. It has to be more visual than anything else. So that made it difficult to try to figure out how do I transition, what’s key, what how do we use things that are purely visual? So a lot of the subtext, some of the side storylines had to get high Just because it didn’t translate as well. Not to mention you have to worry about the link.
[00:26:50.560] – Alan Petersen
And so what are you working on now, novel wise? Are you working on the next Elle Anderson or something else?
[00:26:56.950] – A.M. Adair
I’m staying in the same world, but I am working on a book four, but it is going to be a different storyline, so it’s not going to be the same. Elle is not going to be the central protagonist anymore. She will be in the books, but I’m picking up a different protagonist.
[00:27:14.450] – Alan Petersen
Oh, cool. Is someone that’s already appeared in other than the first two books.
[00:27:17.790] – A.M. Adair
Yes, I’m switching heads. I will have a new central protagonist and the rest of the cast is still going to be there. It’s just going to be a different story, probably much different feel.
[00:27:30.460] – Alan Petersen
Before I let you go, I always like to ask my guests Because we have aspiring riders that listen to this. Any advice you would have for the Spiring thriller rider that’s listening.
[00:27:39.850] – A.M. Adair
The thing that comes up the most, and I think everybody gets asked the question is how do you deal with riders block or just not being able to get your story out there? It’s a hard concept to really kind of wrap your head around, but just right. It’s like whatever is in your head at that exact moment, even if you’re halfway through what would probably be a scene or all you have is one line that just keeps bouncing around in your head just right. You can always go back and as a matter of fact, you will. You will rewrite and edit about 50 million times. And so much to the point where you’re like, God, am I ever going to get finished with this? But that will give you an opportunity to flesh things out more. But you can’t rewrite or edit something that’s not on the page. So just wherever is in your head that you just keep thinking about, start there, bounce around. It’s your world. Make it as you will.
[00:28:36.370] – Alan Petersen
That’s awesome advice. And so before I let you go, where can listeners find you online?
[00:28:41.160] – A.M. Adair
I have as you mentioned my website, so it’s amadair.com and then I’m also on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn. Unfortunately, I got sucked into that one too. Social media is hard for me, but I am trying to embrace it more.
[00:29:03.350] – Alan Petersen
Yeah, especially with that intelligence background of yours. That’s probably like this is everything you’ve been doing for the last 20 years.
[00:29:10.120] – A.M. Adair
That’s it exactly. You hit the nail on the head. Like every time I publish something I actually feel nauseous. I have to read it like 500 times. Like, I really want to do this.
[00:29:19.370] – Alan Petersen
That cracks me up too. Growing up the government to spy on you and of course it happens and stuff, but everyone is so paranoid about that. But then for Zuckerberg, everyone gives the whole keys to the Kingdom. Here you go.
[00:29:35.050] – A.M. Adair
Take everything, take everything, everything I post. I’m just like, oh.
[00:29:42.930] – Alan Petersen
It’s necessary for the marketing part of the business.
[00:29:48.010] – A.M. Adair
Yeah, that’s the part I’m trying to accept, but it’s still difficult for me.
[00:29:54.010] – Alan Petersen
I want to thank you so much for coming on the podcast. It was great talking to you about your career and your books. It was a lot of fun.
[00:30:02.200] – A.M. Adair
I appreciate it. Thank you so much for having me.