MTTA 139: Dean Koontz

Dean Koontz interview. Meet the Thriller Author podcast.

I’m thrilled to welcome back the legandary author, Dean Koontz back to the podcast.

Dean Koontz is the interantioally known bestselling author of thriller and suspense novels; although it’s hard to pin him down, genre-wise, since he popularized mishmasing genres much to publishers chagrin.

His books are published in 38 languages and he has sold over 500 million copies to date.

His latest book, THE OTHER EMILY, takes readers on a twisting journey of lost love, impossible second chances, and terrifying promises. It features one of the creepies characters I’ve read in a book in awhile (a serial killer and his lair).

I had a great time talking to Dean Koontz about his lastet book, his writing process, how he comes up with creepy characters, about book cover design, what he’s working on now, and a lot more!

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Dean Koontz’s Latest Book

Other Books by Dean Koontz

Nameless by Dean Koontz

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About the Author
I write thriller and crime fiction novels and host the Meet the Thriller Author podcast where I interview authors of mystery, thriller, and suspense books.