Ryan Steck is a freelance editor, an author, and the founder and editor in chief of The Real Book Spy. Ryan has been named an “Online Influencer” by Amazon and is a regular columnist at CrimeReads. Praised as “One of the hardest working, most thoughtful, and fairest reviewers out there” by #1 New York Times bestselling author Lisa Scottoline, Steck has “quickly established himself as the authority on mysteries and thrillers” (Author A.J. Tata) on his way to being endorsed by #1 New York Times bestsellers Mark Greaney, Brad Thor, Kyle Mills, Jack Carr, C.J. Box, and many others.
His debut novel, FIELDS OF FIRE, came out on September 6, 2022.
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Video Version of Interview
Note: transcript is software generated and only lightly edited by a human.
[00:00:00.190] – Alan Petersen
You are listening to Meet the Thriller Author, the podcast where I interview writers of mysteries, thrillers and suspense books. I’m your host, Alan Petersen, and this is episode number 191. In this episode of the podcast, we’re meeting Ryan Steck, who is a freelance editor and founder and editor in chief of The Real Book Spy, one of the best book review sites out there for Thrillers. Ryan has been named an online influencer by Amazon and is a regular columnist at CrimeReads. His debut novel, Fields the Fire, came out on September 6, is a fastpaced thriller featuring elite Marine raider Matthew Redd heading home to rural Montana where he uncovers a dark global conspiracy. It’s a great debut and been widely praised by who’s who list of best selling authors including Jack Carr, CJ. Box, Mark Greaney and Kyle Mills, just to name a few. I had a great time talking with Ryan about his transition from book reviewer and influencer to being on the other side of the table as a novelist and a whole lot more. I had a lot of fun talking with Ryan to check out that interview. By the way, if you want notifications of when I release a new episode or to get notified of great deals on mystery and Thriller books, sign up for my email list at ThrillingReads.com/Join. All right, here is my interview with Ryan Steck.
[00:01:29.950] – Alan Petersen
Hey, everybody, this is Alan with me, the filler author. And on the podcast today, I have Ryan Steck, who is the founder and editor in chief of The Real Book Spy. He’s also a freelance editor and his debut novel, Fields of Fire is publishing. We’re recording this on September 6. So today. Congratulations. Ryan.
[00:01:48.790] – Ryan Steck
Hey, thank you so much, man.
[00:01:50.740] – Alan Petersen
So the first thing I wanted to ask you when scheduling for this interview is because you’ve been the goto guy for all these Thriller authors, the Real Book Spy. Of course, everybody knows who the Real Book Spy is, and now you’re on the other side. Does that feel weird?
[00:02:08.310] – Ryan Steck
Yeah, it’s crazy. I’ll tell you a funny story. So you know Jack Carr? Everyone knows who Jack Car is.
[00:02:13.880] – Alan Petersen
Of course.
[00:02:14.420] – Ryan Steck
Number one New York Times bestselling author, the Terminal List. Now a major number one TV show on Amazon Prime with Chris Pratt. I’ve known Jackson before Terminal List came out, so I go way back with him. Honored to call him a friend. I’ve interviewed him like 20 times. One of his books came out. We did Instagram Live every night together for like two weeks. So I’ve literally interviewed this guy like 20 times and I did his podcast, Danger Close, and I realized like halfway through I was asking him questions.
[00:02:44.190] – Alan Petersen
Yeah, so you fall back on it.
[00:02:48.090] – Ryan Steck
I’ve been so used to being on the other side of this conversation, man. Yeah.
[00:02:51.450] – Alan Petersen
That’s wild. So before we get into your writing and your books, how did you get into it? How did you become the real book Spy.
[00:02:58.430] – Ryan Steck
I wish you’d think after, like, nine years, I’d have a good answer to that question. I don’t. A lot of people ask me it. I’ve been really blessed throughout my career, so I started as just a big fan. I’m a huge fan of Mitch Rapp and Vince Flynn. When Vince Flynn passed away, at that time, I was a really struggling first year sports writer dealing with Dyslexia. And I love Vince Flynn because I had Googled when I was diagnosed as an adult with Dyslexia, my doctor said, hey, just go read. It will help. And so I googled Dyslexic authors. I thought, hey, if you can be Dyslexic and be an author, you probably figured this out. And Vince Flynn came up, been in love with them ever since. I think Mitch Rap is my favorite character ever created. I think he’s the best one ever created. And I was practicing to get back to sports writing, and a lot of people know when you’re writing sports columns, you watch the game and you’re taking notes. So when I’m reading the Metropolitan Books, I was taking notes, and I ended up putting it all on the Internet as a form. It really was just practice for me to get back to what I thought was my career. And I created Smith Rap fansite. And when Vince passed away, kyle Mills was hired to take over that series. And Kyle couldn’t be more different. Vince didn’t outline, just kind of wrote by the seat of his pants. Kyle is a hard outliner, 30,000 word outlines, very detailed, and he had said, Send me everything Vince had, all the notes, everything. He didn’t leave anything behind. And Simon and Schuster at the time. Publicist Extraordinaire David Brown Atriumstery bus on Twitter. He discovered what I had done in the Mitch Rap world and connected Kyle and I from there. I think other authors realized how much I loved this genre, these characters. The thing about being a big Vince Flynn fan is almost everyone in this business is right. If you’re like a fan of Thrillers, everyone loves Vince. And so I bonded with a lot of people, and it was talking with authors. So I started writing reviews for other outlets and doing freelance reviews, and I was editing, and I was talking to so many author friends at the time. This is like eight years, eight, nine years ago. And they were like, you know, there’s never been like, that one spot for thrillers. And the more I thought about it, I don’t watch the Academy Awards every year, but I always look to see what one I’ve never seen any of the movies that win Best Picture ever. I’ve never even heard of them. Most of the time I like John Wick and Fast and the Furious Man and Jason Bourne. I like the movies that make a billion dollars. Avengers, but that never win the awards. Thrillers are kind of the same thing in the literary world. And so I saw this space where there’s so many Thriller fans, and there was not this, like, one stop shop for all things thriller. And I was just kind of dedicated to try my hand at creating that. And because I knew authors and had support and had already written a lot of reviews, it just sort of took off, man. I just got really lucky.
[00:05:48.480] – Alan Petersen
Okay, so you obviously want to be a writer then. You said as a sports writer, so it’s always been in your DNA that you wanted to write.
[00:05:54.890] – Ryan Steck
Yeah, I think so. I love sports. I love football, I love college and NFL, and I love Thrillers. And when I’m passionate about something, I like to talk about it. And I don’t have the radio voice, so I never thought that was me. I don’t have the background to hop on TV and talk about it. But print is a medium where I think anyone can thrive if you’re passionate. So, yeah, I think that was something I always wanted to do.
[00:06:21.790] – Alan Petersen
So now tell us about your debut novel, The Field of Fire. That’s going to be so exciting. I haven’t finished reading it, but I started getting advanced copy from your publisher, so it’s been really awesome. Tell us about it, how that comes together. How long has that been percolating in your head?
[00:06:38.890] – Ryan Steck
Yeah, thanks. First of all, I hope you love it, man. This book has been with me for a long time. When I say a long time, fields of Fire stars a character named Matthew Read. He’s a former Marine Raider. I first created him in 10th grade. I was in the English assignment. 10th grade English, we had a creative writing class, and we had an intern. And this intern, her name is Shay Vanderst Went. She’s very near and dear to me now. Love her to death. But many years ago, she was new. She assigned us this writing assignment that was so open ended. It was like writing about whatever you want. You can swear there can be violence. You can do anything you want. Now we’re in high school, and I’m in 10th grade. I was, like, 15 at the time. No one ever told me I could do that. It was like, I’m cutting loose. And I remember I had friends that were just excuse me. They were just excited to swear I took this seriously. I need to go home and play in this story out. And I wrote about this teenage vigilante named Maddie Read who protects his school from an attack, turned it in, and I can literally still remember the next day.
[00:07:41.600] – Ryan Steck
I didn’t know this assignment would be peer to peer. So this poor kid named Trenton Hearn had to read my story out loud in class the next day. And he kept looking at the teacher like, should I be reading this? Because this feels dicey. Next day I got called down to the principal’s office and the superintendent was there. My parents were there, and they were like, he went way overboard with this. Like, we have to suspend them. And I had those parents like, I got in trouble a lot in school for goofing off. I had these parents, if you’re in trouble at school, you’re in trouble at home. This is the one time I wasn’t in trouble at home. My parents were like, he did the assignment right? And he actually wrote it very well. And they were like, well, it’s way too much violence, way too much language. We can’t not suspend them. So I got a week long suspension. And the joke that I keep telling that principal is now the principal for my children. I have six kids, and I told them jokes on you. I got a week off school and a book deal out of this. Now, in my adult life, I got thinking one day about six and a half years ago, what would Mattie Redd be up to now? And I have a different perspective on life as an adult, as a father, what would his life look like? At the same time, I knew I wanted to write a book. I still freelance edit for everyone from New York Times bestselling authors, right on down to hopeful debuts, people that reach out looking for help. I still edit, but I’ve covered like, 2000 books. I’ve edited a lot. And I kept thinking, what on earth could I write that wouldn’t be close to anything I’ve worked on in any capacity? Because I never want to put a book out. And people are like, oh, you must have got that from whatever. And so it hit me one day that we never see Mitch Rapp, we never see Jason Borne out west. We never see that. And I thought, that’s where I’m going to send Red. So my hero. Red all grown up now. He’s been with me a long time. Six years ago. Yeah, I started the first draft. Redd is all grown up now. He’s a former Marine Raider, like I said, who, when we first meet him, is still part of the military and is kicked out for reasons that he can’t really control. Devastated, he goes back to his hometown of Wellington, Montana, for the first time in over a decade and finds his adopted father murdered. The details don’t sit right with Redd, so the more he pokes around and investigates, the more information comes to light. And in doing so, he unearths a global conspiracy right in the heart of Montana that only he can stop.
[00:09:57.300] – Alan Petersen
Yeah, that’s what I really loved about your book. It really blends, like, the action military thriller and like a good old crime thriller, which I love.
[00:10:04.950] – Ryan Steck
Thank you.
[00:10:05.630] – Alan Petersen
Yeah, so that was kind of a surprise. I thought it was going to be like a straight up military type of political thriller, but I love the criminal aspect of it. Is that something that you’re a fan of as well?
[00:10:17.890] – Ryan Steck
Yes. And I’ll tell you what’s funny is I realized pretty quickly this is almost like a modern day Western. When I was writing it now, I wrote this thing six years ago. I remember talking to my agent, I said, it’s a modern day Western. But I’ll never call that publicly because Westerns aren’t popular. No one likes that. Well, here we are today. When I signed my book deal 18 months ago, I said to my publisher, it’s really a modern day Western. But I’ll probably never say that publicly. I start every interview now with like so anyways, this is modern day Western because Yellowstone is huge. 1883 is huge. Like the Western is like exploded. And I was like, if you look at the cover, we were trying to be subtle that it’s kind of a modern day Western looking at the cover of Fields of Fire in its heart. That’s what it is. And I think red encompasses that. This wild west, this view that we have on the west. You know those corny lines that we see in every Western where they’re like, call 911 and the protagonist says, I am 911. Yeah, that line is tired. But it’s true though, right? You go out to Montana and if you need backup, that’s hours, maybe days, not minutes. And I thought that in of itself really heightens the stakes. You really are alone there and you really have to figure out everything on your own and you’re isolated. And I like that. I love action thrillers and political thrillers, but I’m not Vince Flynn. He is my all time favorite author, but I never thought I could write in that space, ever. I would be terrified if someone asked me to write a book like that. My second favorite author is CJ. Box. I don’t know if you’re familiar with him.
[00:11:51.380] – Alan Petersen
Oh, yeah, I love CJ. Box.
[00:11:53.160] – Ryan Steck
So Chuck is another guy I get to call a friend. And when I told my agent again six years ago, I said, I’m going to write a book that’s going to be Vince Flynn meet CJ. Box. And I remember he said to me like, the hell’s that look like? And I said, give me like a year. We’re going to find out. I didn’t know if I could pull it off, but that was what I was going for was Vince Flynn meets CJ. Box. And I love that. CJ. Box writes modern day Westerns that are also crime thrillers. And some of his are more political thriller and more action thriller. And I just like that variety. And I think Montana is the perfect place where you can get away with doing a little bit of all that.
[00:12:29.040] – Alan Petersen
You’re hitting this new popularity at the beginning.
[00:12:32.110] – Ryan Steck
This is what it’s going to yes. Work out pretty well.
[00:12:35.080] – Alan Petersen
Good timing, man. It was like, oh, Ryan, smart guy. He’s jumping into that because it’s popular now, not knowing that you’ve been working on this for years.
[00:12:44.190] – Ryan Steck
I mean, I got lucky with that. I’m usually really bad with headline beating. Are you familiar at all with the Georgia Guidestones? Have you ever heard of the Georgia Guidestones?
[00:12:53.870] – Alan Petersen
[00:12:54.660] – Ryan Steck
All right, Google them. And if you’re listening to this, go back and Google it. It’s this crazy thing that’s shrouded in mystery that no one really knows where they came from. But it’s like, just Google it. Trust me. It sort of feeds into the plot for Fields of Fire. So I don’t want to give anything away, but I opened the book with the Georgia Guidestones originally and just recently they were blown up and it was all on the news. And I called my agent, very excited and was like, yes, this is awesome for me, right? Because people are probably going to want interviews. This is all in my book. And he was like, yeah, but you took that out. And I was like, no, I didn’t take that. I would never do that. I left that in. And he’s like, no, you took it out. And I literally ran here into my office and grabbed one of the galley copies, the early prints of Fields of Fire. And I opened it and it was gone. And I was like, you’ve got to be kidding me, man. That was like my shot to beat a headline. It feels good to have arrived. I think we’re going to see a lot of authors trying their hand at more modern day Westerns, even if they don’t say that’s what they’re doing. I think you’re going to notice a nuanced shift to people trying a little more because it is so popular right now.
[00:14:02.290] – Alan Petersen
Taylor sheridan right. He’s the one doing the movies.
[00:14:06.860] – Ryan Steck
Hell or High Water. Yeah.
[00:14:07.800] – Alan Petersen
Love that one. That was great.
[00:14:09.470] – Ryan Steck
Wind river.
[00:14:10.290] – Alan Petersen
[00:14:11.430] – Ryan Steck
Yellowstone, 1883. The new one I came up with, what it’s called? It’s a date, but it’s got Harrison Ford. Helen miriam. It’s crazy, man. We’re seeing that explode. And so for me, yes, I was sitting there like, this could be good timing.
[00:14:29.730] – Alan Petersen
For business, you’re like, yes.
[00:14:32.190] – Ryan Steck
You’re not wrong.
[00:14:33.990] – Alan Petersen
So what about your writing process now? Do you outline? Do you write the seal of your pants? What’s your process like?
[00:14:39.790] – Ryan Steck
I’m not an outliner, but I’m kind of forced to be. And I say this jokingly, but it is true. So I told my agent, I signed a two book deal. Fields of fire was done. I was going to write book two. It’s called lethal range. Comes out next August, which is done and turned in and everything. But when I was going to sit down to write it, I said to my agent, I can’t. I’m not going to do an outline. And he’s like, well, the publisher needs an outline. And I was like, yeah, but I can’t do it. I’m just going to write it and turn it in. And he’s like, So you have a payment tied to turning your outline in. And I was like, I’m going to have to write an outline. Okay, I’m an outliner, so let me figure that out. And it also fully transparent. Makes me a hypocrite because when I’m an editor, I tell all my clients we need outline. And that’s really so I can get involved early and I can look at the story and the plotting and raise red flags and help along the way, the way I’m seeing it.
[00:15:29.880] – Ryan Steck
But for myself. When I launched the books by and I was editing full time, I was working 100 hours a week. And I’m not joking, there’s like seven years I never really had a day off other than like, maybe here and there. So I kind of worked myself to death. And I just work better when I’m constantly busy. However, I don’t have all day to sit down and write. Still running the books by, still editing. I’m now a Twitch streamer, by the way. So I stream on Twitch every night, which is growing a community there and getting to know readers and people. Well. Here’s what I do. I can’t sit down at a computer to write unless I know exactly what I’m writing. So I write about 2 hours a night. My schedule, I usually get up really early. I do books by stuff. I start reading a book, lunchtime rolls around. I do editorial calls, stuff like that. With clients, I’m thinking every day I try to write a chapter a day. 2 hours, right? 1500 to 2000 words. If you do that consistently in two months, you have a first draft. 100,000 words is pretty standard length for a thriller novel, I think all day, what’s the chapter I have to write?
[00:16:40.300] – Ryan Steck
What’s the scene I have to write? And I let it play in my head over and over until I get it just right. And then usually I stream from like eight to 10:00 p.m.. Eastern. When I’m off stream, I usually write from ten to midnight and then I go to bed. And from ten to midnight, man, I just sit down and I let that scene play and I just write it out as fast as I can. And then I literally go to sleep thinking about tomorrow. I usually put myself in a corner. I’ve had a lot of calls with my publisher where they go, hey Ryan, this is really great. We can’t wait to see how you get right out of this jam. And I’m like me too. I hope I can figure it out. I wake up, I’m brushing my teeth in the shower, like, thinking about it. What am I writing tonight? And so I spend all day on my other jobs, right, and thinking about this. And then 10:00 P.m rolls around. I sit down and just start cranking it out. It doesn’t have to be good. There’s a saying in our industry.
[00:17:29.830] – Ryan Steck
You can fix bad pages, you can’t fix blank pages. So I know if I just get that first draft out in like two months, I can edit it for as long as I need. I can cut, I can add, I can tweak, I can make it better. But if I just get the story out, I can see it, I can move it around, I can do whatever I have to and I can fix it, but I just got to get it out. And so that’s my process. I don’t think it will work for everyone, but I do believe that writing every day is essential.
[00:17:56.460] – Alan Petersen
Now you mentioned though, that your second book is coming out next year. Is this part of the series? Okay. All right. Awesome.
[00:18:06.520] – Ryan Steck
Second Matthew Redd book. We’re really hoping that we get a renewal for more books and to keep the series going. My plan is to be writing Matthew Red thrillers for a long time. I literally had sat down and sketched out like the first seven books. So I kind of knew where the series was going, what’s happening. I’m really proud of Fields of Fire. Like I really am. And so I feel bad saying this, but I’m so pumped up about next year’s book. The first books are tricky because you’re introducing characters, you’re world building two. You’re bringing readers back, hopefully, so they already have an understanding of the characters, the setting and all that. And you can just go for it. And Fields of Fire, again, very proud of not taking anything away from that. I’m really proud of this book. But book two, Lethal Range, I really went for it. There’s more action, more explosions, stuff like a little bit more of what you’d see from maybe like a Vince Flynn action wise, but again, still right in the heart of Montana.
[00:19:07.560] – Alan Petersen
Oh, I love that title. Lethal Range. Pretty cool.
[00:19:10.060] – Ryan Steck
Thank you.
[00:19:13.050] – Alan Petersen
Another writing question I always have for my guest, because I’m snoopy. So what do you use to write? Use Word or use some other software program?
[00:19:22.250] – Ryan Steck
Yeah, I use Word and I have clients that swear by other software and scribner and everything else. And that’s fine. But I’ve been in the industry a long time and all the publishers, everyone uses Word. So it’s like you can use whatever you want to write it, but when it gets to me to edit it, it’s going to need to be in Word. So I just work in word. Would it be easier to write another software programs? Potentially, but I think the learning curve for me, again, I just need to be able to sit down and write, get this seen out every day. So for me that’s what I do. But I have a lot of clients that write by hand and then put it in. Yeah, I do. I have a lot of author clients that and author friends. By the way, Daniel Silva is another guy. I absolutely love him and his wife, Jamie Gangle. Daniel Silva is probably, in my opinion, one of the top two greatest spy novelists of all time.
[00:20:13.710] – Alan Petersen
Yeah, I agree.
[00:20:14.310] – Ryan Steck
He writes every draft by hand. Nelson DeMille writes by hand. It’s crazy. I could never do that. So to me, they’re like the ones that are I feel like people look at me and they’re like, you still use Word? And I’m like, Listen, Daniel is writing by pencil and paper. Okay, I’m with the Times. Let’s at least acknowledge that. But, yeah, I played around with Scribner a little bit. I think there’s tools and other programs that could help newer writers, but for me, I just use word.
[00:20:43.350] – Alan Petersen
And what about the research? Do you put in a lot of research? What’s your research process like?
[00:20:47.890] – Ryan Steck
Yeah, a lot. Because I don’t know everything I’m writing. Thankfully, being a book spy, being an editor, comes I have a lot of connections. I had a pretty healthy rolodex of people to call on. I already said Jack Carr. I bothered him a lot for details. I’m not former military, so all the time I’m texting these people like, what gun would he use here? And then I have to go research that man. And same thing with, I live in Michigan, this series is set in Montana. So the amount of research and I’m going back soon, the amount of research for that is overwhelming at times. I try really hard to if I know most of the story, I try to get the research done before I start writing because I do think it’s really hard if you’re writing and you’re like, oh, shoot, I got to research this, I just think that kind of throws your mojo off. So I do try to do the research ahead of time. But, yeah, there’s no way around the research. I do think that’s what separates a lot of people that want to be authors and then people that got published is you can write really good stuff, but it’s not quite accurate, it’s not quite where it needs to be, or it doesn’t pass the authenticity test. I’ll be honest with you, Ellen, I didn’t know I passed that test until CJ. Box blurred fields of fire on the cover. And when he called it a terrific sense of big sky country, I was like, oh, we did it. No one knows that area like Chuck Box, so things like that. But, yeah, the research is you can’t cheat it.
[00:22:21.910] – Alan Petersen
I was going to say, too, I really love your cover. Do you have any input on that or how does that work out? It varies with publishers and stuff.
[00:22:29.800] – Ryan Steck
But, yeah, it was funny when we sat down to do the cover discussions to fill the fire. My publisher, they’re so great to me. Tindale House, I love everyone there and they’re so supportive and great, and they were like, Ryan, you’ve worked on so many books, you probably know exactly what you want this to look like. And I was like, Actually, I really haven’t thought about it, to tell you the truth. That probably sounds bad. And even worse, I don’t know what I like. I just know what I don’t like. I’m not visual enough from an artistic standpoint to know what will look good. And so I sit in these meetings with the design team and I just don’t crazy stuff at them. They’re like, how do you think that will turn out? And I’m like, I don’t know. I look forward to seeing it. And God bless them, because they came back with, like the guy who does my coverage name is Dean at Tindall, and he gave out, like, five samples. And the way it works is you take those samples and you pick one you like, and then you can start tweaking and changing. And it’s like, we all agree this is the direction. And with Fields of Fire, it took shape pretty quickly, man. We had some discussions. Everyone sort of agreed the color scheme made sense. For Red. The character name is Matthew Red. Fields of Fire, you think of red, so that one was easy. I wanted mountains on it that wasn’t on it originally. I wanted to play up the sky a little bit, but, like, very simple things. The cover process was so painless because they’re all so good at their jobs that it made me all I just did was sit there and like, I I like that. It was so simple. I will tell you, though, and again, I hate to sound like I’m minimizing Fields of Fire, but the cover for Lethal Range that we’re going to be unveiling real soon is, like, absolutely blows me away. So they nailed it again. But you can see behind me, I have the cover on the wall and I really like it. And I think it turned out great. I wish I could say, oh, that was the conception I always had from the beginning. No, not at all.
[00:24:33.440] – Ryan Steck
That was all the art people at Tyndale.
[00:24:35.850] – Alan Petersen
Right, I know you’re super busy today with your pub days. I’m not going to take too much of your time. One question I always ask of my guests, and you’re a good one, because you’ve been an editor and you’ve reviewed thousands and thousands of books. So what advice do you have for aspiring writers, thriller writers that are listening to the podcast?
[00:24:50.670] – Ryan Steck
Write every day. People say, Write what you know. I don’t necessarily believe if that were true, I’d be writing books about writing books. Write what you want to read, because if you’re having fun writing it, people will have fun reading it. That’s the thought process. If you’re not having fun writing it, no one will have fun reading it. Beyond that, work hard. Write every day. Because the more you do it, the better you get at it. And then. If it’s something you’re really serious about. And this is not like a plug for myself, but anyone, get an editor because you can never judge your own work. I can’t. I’m a full time editor and a critic, and I still don’t know if my stuff is good. I rely on my agent, John Talbot, who was also an editor early on in Clancy’s career, and my editor at Tindall Sarahsky. When I finished book two, I was really excited, but I was like, I don’t know if this sucks or not. You need someone else to tell you. Your brain will always read your own work the way you meant to write it. You will never know. And I do this all the time as an editor. Man people send me stuff and there’s absolutely no visual descriptions, and I’ll ask them, like, what’s the setting looks like, and they’ll explain it and it’s beautiful. And I’m like, Why is that not in there? And it’s because our brain so sees it in our mind that we just sort of gloss over it when we’re writing it. And you need someone to pull the best out of you, like you really do. So I would really encourage people, if you want to be an author, you want to get published, find someone that has experience. And I still added and by the way, people can always reach out to me at Ryan Atrealbooksby.com, and I could recommend others too, but find someone that knows what they’re doing a little bit that can help you in that process and then help you in the query process, because getting an agent is really hard these days. And have someone that knows how to make your query stand out and then just don’t quit. Keep going.
[00:26:41.350] – Alan Petersen
All right, well, that’s good advice, ryan, thank you so much for being on the podcast. And again, congrats on your debut novel. Very exciting.
[00:26:49.060] – Ryan Steck
Thank you so much for having me. Man.