MTTA 172: Taylor Moore


Taylor Moore is a sixth-generation Texan. He is a former CIA Intelligence Officer who worked in both analysis and operations. He later consulted for the Department of Defense and now lives in the Texas Panhandle with his family.

Down Range is Taylor’s debut novel, and the first of a series featuring DEA agent Garrett Kohl.

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Latest Book by Taylor Moore

Show Notes

Other author mentions: John R. Erickson, Mark Greaney, Tom Clancy, Don Bentley, Brad Taylor, Craig Johnson, C.J. Box, Larry McMurty.

Transcript (Note I use automated software to transcribe and only do a very light edit, so the text might be read choppy and have errors).

You are listening to Meet the Thriller Author, the podcast where I interview writers of mysteries, fillers and suspense books. I am your host, Alan Petersen, and this is episode number 172. In this episode of the podcast. We’ll be meeting Taylor Moore, who is a former CIA intelligence officer who worked in both analysis and operations. He later consulted for the Department of Defense and now lives in the Texas Panhandle with his family.

Down Range is Taylor’s debut novel and the first of a series featuring DEA Agent Garrett Kohl.

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Here is my interview with Taylor Moore. Welcome to the podcast.

Thanks for having me on Alan. It’s an honor to be on your show. And I appreciate you having me.

Thank you. Thank you so much for coming on. Your debut novel, coming up, I believe, is in a couple of weeks August 3. So it’s just right around the corner. Congrats. Since thIs your first book. How’s the whole book launch going for you? Is it how you imagined it?

Not really. There’s a lot more to it. I was used to that sort of quiet writer’s life where I just sat in my little coffee shop or in my office and just had this sort of solitary life. And now everything has become very public as you’re starting to as we’re going through this process of getting the book out there. And so, no, that was a little bit surprising for me, but at the same time, it’s fun. The book is my baby. I’m ready to get it out there.

I’m excited about it. So I enjoy talking about it. But no, it’s different from the solitary writer’s life that I was used to.

Yes, it’s kind of funny. Like you said, you’re kind of like your riding cave, and then all of a sudden, you’re exposed, dragged out, exposed to the whole world.

It really is. It’s a strange kind of surreal experience, but it’s fine because your friends and family are really excited, and I’m excited. And I have small kids and they can’t wait to see it come out and just all the hooplaw that goes along with it. But now it’s been fun. It’s actually been fun. But, yeah, it’s very different than what I’m used to.

I received an advanced copy from your publisher and I’ve been enjoying Down Range a lot of great action. I really like Garrett Kohl is a badass we’ll get into that a little bit here, but I really enjoyed that book. So I highly recommend the listeners to go and check that out. You won’t be disappointed. You have such an amazing background. So can you tell us a little bit about your time in the CIA? Not sure what you can tell us about your other work you’ve done before becoming a writer?

Yeah. No, actually. So it’s a funny thing because probably every bit of me is in this book from childhood, growing up on a farm and Ranch northwest of Houston, up and through my experiences working with the CIA and working with the military, doing a lot of stuff, but part of which was counter narcotics, which played into that. And then later on, I ended up working in oil and gas on the Texas high Plains where the book is set. And I was working out on all these big ranches and starting to hear these stories about things that were going on.

And so just the writer in me. Naturally, as I’m going through every part of my life, I’m pulling this in to my brain, and it just kind of sticks there and kind of rummages around a little bit and stories start to come out. And so Down Range is really a culmination of a whole lifetime worth of experience. And again, people will see once they get in there. And I think they’ll see the authenticity of a person who’s been there and done that and kind of seen it with his own eyes.

And so it was fun to get to take those things and put them on pages and to hear people like you. I appreciate your kind of words about the book, and I’m glad people are enjoying it.

I think this is so great in the last few days, a few years, it seems like a lot of people with backgrounds like yours or people who are in the military are actually not writing these thrillers makes it so much more authentic then not to dump anyone else. But you can tell when something’s just been researched to death versus someone who’s lived it.


So did you always want to write fiction even before? How long have you been wanting to be a writer?

So it’s hard to say I’ve always been a storyteller. I’ve always had a wild imagination. I’ve always liked that thing even from childhood. But I wrote my first book, actually about 20 years ago, believe it or not. And it was when I was working on a Ranch with my dad, and I just had my laptop. And over the course of a few months, I just wanted to see if I could write a book. And some people say I just want to run a marathon just to see if I can do it.

And it was kind of like that experience for me. I didn’t think I would do this for a living. I just liked the idea of it. And so I did. I wrote a young adult novel and it just kind of set on my computer. I don’t even know if it still exists or where it is. But hopefully it’s around somewhere just for fun. But, yes, I always kind of had that passion to do it. And then after I was doing that, I ended up working at the agency and doing the military stuff.

And every now and then, I kind of take a stab at something. But I was just so busy and so much was going on. I was doing so much writing at work that it just wasn’t fun for me to kind of get into that writing process because I write so much at work, and it’s just hard to do when you get home. But then later on, when I was working in the oil and gas stuff, it was kind of a different. I was using a different part of my brain, and I was encouraged to get back into writing by a writer here.

I was actually what they call a Landman. So I was out there meeting with these big ranchers, and we were making oil and gas deals and deciding where to put oil Wells and all that. And I ended up on the property, this big Ranch, this guy named John R. Erickson, who wrote a series called Hank the calladog and still is writing them. I kind of said, yeah, I’m a writer, too. And he’s like, what are you writing? I said nothing. He goes, Well, doesn’t sound like you’re much of a writer.

You’re not doing anything. I was like, Well, okay, you’re right. I’m not doing it. So I would take my laptop with me everywhere I’d go. And if I had a little downtime waiting for a meeting, if I had a lunch break, I would write every chance I got. And so that’s kind of how I got back into it.

When you started getting back into it. Is that what eventually became the Garrett Cole character or Dawn Range, or is that something else?

Not at all. That’s the funny thing is that when I was writing just for fun, just to kind of get back into it. I was writing another young adult novel, and it wasn’t until I really decided to start when my wife and I kind of made this decision, like, do you really want to try your hand at this? You like it. You’re passionate about it. And I decided I want to do it. And I said, Well, I better do something. I make sure that I can sell.

And obviously having that background that I had in itself, too. As you said, there’s a lot of people, the Brad Taylors and the Jack Cars, Don Bentley’s out there that have kind of been there, done that and are writing about it. And so I had that experience that I could pull into a novel series. And so that’s when I kind of changed what I was doing and started, really, Garrett, this is kind of an interesting story. Garrett Cole was not my protagonist when I started out, and I actually got my agent with another protagonist and another series.

And Garrett Colt was a side character in that book. He was just a secondary character. And my agent really loved that guy. And he said, Man, there’s something to that guy. And it was kind of funny because I always sort of deep down, I kind of felt like he was stealing the show. And I was kind of waiting for people beta readers to kind of say that in a couple of days. But my agent was really the one who kind of noticed that. And he’s like, Why don’t we redo this with another series?

And he threw that idea out there? And of course, that’s what every writer wants to hear is let’s throw away this book. You’ve rewritten five times and start from scratch. My agent is a wonderful guy. And I always joke that I threw myself on the floor and threw a tantrum, and he gave me enough time to get back up, put myself together and have the conversation to continue. But we did. And he was nice. And I said, Well, just think about it. Just think about it.

And so I think I woke up at 03:00 the next morning. I couldn’t sleep thinking about this. And I said, Well, let me try to write something with Garrett Colon. And so I wrote the first chapter, which appears about 50 pages into the finished book. And it was like, the best writing I’ve ever done. It just came so naturally, Garrett came out naturally. And Garrett was really he was born before that. But that’s when he really became alive when he became a protagonist. And so that’s how he came about.

Wow. That’s really cool.

How that process works.

It was pretty cool at the time, but I’m glad now my agent, like I said, he was right about it. And that was a good call. But yes, at the time, it was like, really, I’m going to how many more months? Yeah.

So can you tell us a little bit about, like, for people who are discovering you, how would you describe your books to them?

It’s a weird book in some ways, because it’s almost like an operator style thriller mixed with a modern day Western. And there might be something out there like that if there is, I haven’t really seen it. But my big influences in life growing up, just given my age, probably Tom Clancy. And then Larry McMurtry. Those are the two writers that I really gravitated toward growing up. And so I like that sort of Clancy esque, intrigue and fun storylines. And the Jack Ryan character is so good because he’s a guy you feel for.

He’s not a superhero. He’s very capable. But he’s not who we think. And he’s a very real person. I think to us that we could all sort of gravitate to. And I wanted a character like that. And even though Garrett was a green beret in DA and does some kind of over the top kind of cool things that we don’t all do. I think if you’ve read it, you kind of know he’s still a believable character. He’s still in many ways just a normal guy and doing sort of an extraordinary type job.

I wanted that. And then again, with Larry Mcmerry having that influence, I just love Mcmurche’s descriptions of settings. I loved his dialogue. I love the humor he added in, and that was just an influence. And I wanted to write like that. And so for people, maybe who like McMurdy are like, Clancy, I say, imagine if you try to put a book together like that. I’m not saying I reach that level of greatness that those guys achieve as authors, but that’s what I was going for. Yeah.

It’s got, like, a justified military thriller combo.


Pretty cool.

Yeah. Justified. Yeah. That’s a great example. Like a Justified because it’s got I wanted to do that level of whirlbild. I’m a big CJ box fan. And so I wanted to do kind of what CJ box does for Wyoming, and it’s a level of world building, and it’s a world that exists, but it doesn’t exist for me. I’ve never been to Wyoming, but he has all these characters that come into play, and it’s just the setting and what it’s like there. And I wanted to do for the Texas High Plains, what he or Craig Johnson, you know what those guys are doing for the reasons that they write about?

Can you tell us a little bit about the plot of Downrange for the listeners?


Downrange. It starts out, I believe it or not. Although it said on the Texas High plane starts out in Afghanistan, and basically our protagonist, Garrett Cole, and I’ll try to kind of breeze over this. I’m not giving away any spoilers, but yeah. So basically he’s out there doing a job. He’s doing his mission, which is related to opium trafficking, and he’s on a task force. And basically he comes across something that he should have never seen because he’s in a place that he shouldn’t have been, ends up getting into a situation, a firefight and rescues this boy that he ends up sort of responsible for.

And that’s sort of the very beginning. It doesn’t give too much away, but ends up kind of on this protective custody assignment, and it just has to keep the kid out of sight for a while, which sounds easy enough. He’ll go back to his big Ranch back in Texas or hideout, camp out a little bit till things cool off and simmer down. But he kind of goes out of the frying pan and into the oven because he gets home. He kind of need them in fences with his estranged family.

Anyhow. And things go sort of from bad to worse when he finds out they’ve gotten into some trouble of their own, and I’ll kind of leave it at that and let people who want to read kind of find out what happens.

And you said this is the first in a series. Do you have the second one already.

Like, underway or it’s in my Editor’s hands right now? I’m eagerly awaiting his feedback, as any author does, but my agents read it, and he’s really excited about it. And I kind of tell people, if you like, Down Range going to you’re love the second book because it follows those same characters. And I’ve been telling people pay close attention to the characters that don’t seem important and down range because they may pop up again and they may pop up in a big way. So I think it’s going to be fun.

I’m going to continue to do that throughout the series is introduce new characters and you may see them for a brief minute in that book, but maybe book three, but four, book five, they come back into play. So I think I want to create a really fun series that people will just want to follow because I tried to write a character driven thriller, so it’s not just about them. My protagonist against the bad guys. He’s dealing with all sorts of things. And if you think about Down Range, it’s a book about family.

It’s a book about relationships and there’s hard feelings, and it’s about forgiveness and old high school crushes come back into play and bullies and all these things that everybody deals with in everyday life. They’re in the book. And I wanted to make a book that was relatable for everyone. Well, it’s fun to read about terrorists trying to kill you or being hunted by cartel, assassins or something like that. Thankfully, it’s not very relatable to most people, but it is fun to read about, but I wanted to have a relatable problems to our protagonist and the other characters.

I don’t just follow him in first person. The books written in third person, but I get into multiple points of view, and I want people to be as involved in every other character’s life as they are with the protagonists. And that’s sort of my goal throughout the series.

Yeah, I think that’s important, too, because characters kind of keeps us going because the action is great. But if it’s all just that so that’s awesome that you accomplish that. And I was wondering, too, since this is your first book, you just kind of just got on that kind of because I know everything takes forever in the publishing world. But what was the process like then? Like, you went out and looked for an agent and you had to go through all that. What was all that process like, was it kind of a nightmare?

Yeah, of course. I always tell people it’s the same miserable process that every writer goes through. I’m sure somebody didn’t have that process, but I think most people go through the query process and get the 8 billion rejections and you sit around and go, Why am I doing this? I’m no good. I’m terrible.


Gosh, this is a process of, I think, four years or so from sort of start to finish, maybe a little bit longer, depending on how you look at it. But yeah. So honestly, my agent, John Tell, but he’s phenomenal. And I got him. He actually rejected me the first time I sent my first manuscript to him. And when I sent out my first round of queries, I actually had three pretty prominent agents that anybody would be very happy with that requested full manuscript. I’ve been told that’s a pretty good thing.

And I think having the background CIA experience that probably opened a few doors, at least kind of got your toe in, and then you include a writing sample and all that. So at least got your toe in there. But John was actually the first one to get back to me. And he basically said, I like your story, like your writing. But here are the 15 things you did wrong. And the thing was sometimes people say, like, Well, just because somebody tells you something, it wasn’t just because he told me that he was dead on.

He’s a good editor. And I saw it was just spot on. I was like, yeah, you’re right about everything. And so I went to those other two agents, and I pulled the manuscript from them. And a lot of people say, you are crazy for doing that. Why did you do that? Because what if they would have accepted it? And I was just like, the book wasn’t ready. It wasn’t ready. This other guy, John Talbot, was right about it. And this is what I wanted to do for a living.

And I wanted it to be right. And I wanted to be perfect. And it wasn’t. So I went ahead and pulled it and then resubmitted again. I didn’t expect John to accept it. One of my writer friends told me one time they said, you send it back to them. They’re like, that’s the Cardinal sin of writing. You never resent to an agent unless you ask for it. I was like, Well, okay, fine. I didn’t know what I mean. Like, if the worst thing that happens to this guy today is that somebody spent months redoing a novel over based on his word and resent it, then fine.

But I did. Unfortunately, he saw it, liked it, and it brought me on as a client. And then it was a long process of going back me rewriting that thing and then again, back to the story of him saying, no, let’s start from scratch. And I’m not the only author that’s done that. There’s a few out there, and I won’t tell their stories. I’ll let them do it. But that happens. I kind of say that to writers. Who are out there who get that attitude. I’m going to put my Hills into the ground, and you’re not going to budge me from it.

You might do that. It might be the right thing, but it might not. And in this case, I’m thankful that it did take as long. And it took multiple drafts and multiple rewrites. And then to the point where I finally got it to my editor, David Heifers incredible editor. And William Or got it to them. And I guess that was over a year ago. So by the time you get through that process of him getting what he wants and getting those revisions into the story and edits, it took over a year.

So it’s not a quick process by any stretch of the imagination. And so that’s why now, when the pub dates roll around August 3, it’s not like, oh, that’s kind of neat. It’s like, no, this is like the Olympics. It took me four years to get here overnight success, right? Yeah. I’m going to be a speaker at an event. And it’s how Taylor became an overnight success, tongue in cheek or whatever. And the idea for me to tell the story and I’ll do it kind of like what I told you.

But in a more elaborate way for writers that are interested in this and kind of say, like, here’s what you need to do. If you want to be a published author, particularly for the bigger houses, then here’s the road. And it’s not an easy one. But you just got to be determined. Yeah.

If it was easy, I guess everybody would be doing it right.


My wife used to tell me that all the time because this was hard. This was a hard process, and I would need Pep talk sometimes. And that was exactly what she said. She said if this was easy, Barnes and Noble looks pretty big, but it’s really not if you think about it. If you look around the books in there, if you go to the Thriller section, it’s not that big. And if you want to be one of those books that are next to the Brad Taylors or the Mark Granny’s or the Don Bentley’s or the CJ Boxes or name any of those guys, then it takes everything in you to get there to get a conference.

Which conference is that?

This year this will be just a local and an Amarillo. It’s going to be the High Plains Riders group. It will be a local one.

Yeah, I’ve never been, but I’ve heard really good things about Butcher console. It’s on my list. It’s kind of nice to see them coming back now with the whole pandemic while we’re still in it. But, I mean, the fact that they actually turn to hold events is kind of cool.

It is.


And I’ll be honest, because Thriller Fest. I went to Thriller Fest twice, and I even give it an acknowledgement to my book to the thriller Fest and the people that put it on. If you’re out there and you’re riding thrillers and you haven’t been, you just got to go. It’s just not a nice to do. It’s a half to do, and it’s so good. There’s so many great panels, so many great speakers. I’ve learned so much the level of networking that you do at events like that, I can’t even put it in the words like how important it is and what a great event it is.

So it’s been virtual two years in a row for obvious reasons. But hopefully next year we’ll get back online. And I think that’d be really fun. So no, you’re right. It’s just fun having voucher, being able to writers like to be with each other because again, we have these sort of solitary lives in a way. And there’s nothing like being with other writers when you’re doing it because they know the joy, the pain, everything that goes along with it.

This is a great community, too, because even though you’re technically all competitors, everyone’s so helpful, like all the authors in the same genres and stuff, it’s kind of great to see that.

It’s strange. I mean, everybody should be not as nice as they are because the guys that I guess in theory, I will be a competitor with if you want to look at it that way, if you’re in there looking at two different books, you’re going to buy one, it might be mine or it might be someone else’s. But everybody that I have encountered has been nothing but helpful, nothing but friendly, nothing but like trying to get me to the next level. And I don’t know if it’s like that for every genre, I can only speak to the sort of thriller and sort of more military writer type guys, but everybody has been just barn on friendly and helpful as they could be curious about your writing process.

Then do you like to outline these before you start to write it or what does that look like?

It’s funny. You should say that. Everybody asks, and I always say, I mean to do that. I’m going to do that on the next. I think right now I have, like, maybe five or six in the series, sort of like a few paragraphs of, like here’s where the story is going to go, type of a deal. And that’s something I sent to my editor. So I have in my mind where it’s going to go and where I want it to go. When I start doing a book, though, actually, it’s more of a concept, like I’ll read about something really cool.

And I’ll be like, Man, imagine that in a book. Imagine that playing out in a story. And so for me, my book is sort of like military Thriller meets Wild West. And I like both those things. I thought, Man, imagine getting a guy with an AR 15 on a horseback, and he’s flying across the Plains, like, killing back. To me, it just seems fun. He’s got the shamaskarf. So he’s kind of half military operator, half Wild West cowboy with his cowboy. To me, it just sounded cool.

And so I was like, okay, build a story around that book two. I won’t give it any way. But I think there’s some really cool again concepts because I’m always reading and see what’s in the news. And I’m like, imagine if this guy went up to this guy. So it’s kind of like, MMA, right? I’ll take your Kung Fu against your judo or whatever. And let’s see who comes out on top. And so I kind of like to pair these people and kind of see what happens if you put them in a fight.

Yeah, that’s cool. You mentioned that because I remember a few years ago, I saw maybe 5610 years ago. I can’t remember. But it was a picture in Afghanistan of the Special Forces guys.


They’Re in horses. And the Taliban guys were in horses, and it’s like, Holy Moly. They all were the modern weapons, of course. But it was like, wow, I guess the best way to get around over there was on horseback.

Yeah. Exactly. Is there anything cooler than that? And to me, just as a concept, that’s cool, that you can have all this, like, really. I mean, the technology that we have within the US military and intelligence world is just insane. But yet they’re on horseback and they’re living in caves and sleeping in caves. And again, that’s just one of those things that I sort of geek out on as a rider because I think it’s cool. I think it’s interesting. And I like the fact that there’s something they could have been doing 1000 years ago.

They’re doing now and just really neat.

What do you use to write to use, like, word or something else?

Yeah. Just use word for the good old word document. Again, you ask that people say that you should be using whatever. And I’m like, oh, yeah. I mean, to do that. I need to do that. But I don’t know. I guess if the process works, it works, right? Yeah. Absolutely. Anything. But maybe there’s the greatest thing in the world out there, and I’m not using it. I should be. I don’t know.

I’ve interviewed over 160 thriller authors so far, and I think, like, probably 90% use words.

Right? There’s something to the basics, I guess. Yeah.


No need to reinvent the wheel, especially if it’s working for you.

Yeah, that’s all I do.

And when you’re writing a project, do you try to do, like, I’m going to write from this time to this time or when I hit these many words. What does that look like?

I never used to do that until recently, and I was on a real tight deadline to get book two in. So I did sort of give myself a word count, and I never thought I would do that. I always thought that was a strange thing that authors do. But here I am doing it. So I guess the process is sort of ever evolving. Yeah. Usually I just write until I didn’t feel like writing anymore. But I think because again, I was on a deadline. I kind of knew how many words I needed to write to get to where I needed to be.

So it just was a way for me to kind of calm myself down a little bit and be like, well, if you just did this many words a day, then you’ll meet your deadline. And that was sort of easy enough to do, you know what I mean? So I don’t normally do that. I probably won’t do that when I start back writing book three. But no, it is kind of a good way to do it, because then there’s a sense of satisfaction. If you say, like, maybe I will do that.

You’re talking me into it now because then you say we’re right about 100,000 words or whatever. And okay, well, here’s what between now and deadline. Here’s where we are. Then let’s do this. No, I like that idea. Thanks for the tip.

Right now. I’m sure you’re so busy with the lunch and talking to people like me, but when are you going to sit down and start writing the third. Is that coming up soon?

I want to do that because I waited too long for book two, and I didn’t do that on purpose because we were still editing book one and kind of until you get to the end of that book, you didn’t really know. I didn’t know how to start because my editor may want to change things, but I think now I sort of know him. He sort of knows me. And maybe we’ll have a little conversation up here is where I want to go, and then I can get started on a little bit sooner and again.

Hopefully I’ll have edits back from him on book two, and we’ll start working down that and down that path. And so, yeah, hopefully that will start pretty soon. But yeah, you’re right on the publicity and marketing stuff again. Once I finished book two, I took this big sigh of relief and then only to, like, Garrett Cole go from the frying pan and into the oven. And I didn’t realize how much this takes. And it’s an all day long, full on end of the night process doing the marketing, publicity.

And that’s fine. Again. It’s just part of it. But it was something I hadn’t expected, but no, that’s part of the job. Yeah.

I really think that I hear that a lot about writers, about aspiring writers. I just want to write. I’m like, well, even Stephen King goes out and does full junkets. It’s a big part of the business. The business side of it.

Yeah, I’m sure there was an era where maybe our attending winners, he just sat on his thing, turned it in and it becomes a book. Well, again, for any aspiring writers out there, just so you know, that’s not the case. And if you don’t really like doing this kind of thing, man, it’s going to be hard because you’ve got to be kind of out there selling your wares, as they say. And my wares are books. It’s just part of it. But like I said, I like it.

I like talking to people, and I love talking about writing. I’ll talk about writing all day long because it’s my passion. And of course, like I said, the book’s, my baby.

So I’m happy to talk about that before I let you go. I would like to close things up by asking because I do have a spring writer listening to this podcast. What advice do you have for them?

There’s a lot of advice. I tell you, the one. I mentioned this the other day, and maybe I mentioned it a couple of times to people. But I think it’s good if you’re really aspiring writer and you really think maybe I want to do this for a living, then don’t just start a book, start and finish a book. And I didn’t realize what a big deal that was until later on. People go, oh, you finished the book. And I said, yeah, of course. I mean, you’re going to start a book, you got to finish it.

And they’re like, most people don’t ever do that. It’s rare for people to finish a book. And I thought about it. I was like, Well, now I know why, because I’ve written several at this point. And so it’s fun to write three quarters of three quarters of a book and make all these problems and make all this misery for your protagonist. Where the rubber meets the road is making it all come back together again. That’s where again, I always go, like, Why did I do this?

Why did I make so many problems? I would tell people. It’s kind of like if you’re going to start it, finish it. Now, if you just love writing and it’s just you’re released and you don’t have to really plan to do it, start a million Bucks. Who cares if you just have fun writing? Just do that. But if you really think you might want to do this, I don’t care if it’s self publishing traditional, whatever it is, start and finish a book and say, I’m not starting another project until I finish this thing.

I think that’s great advice. And I really like what you mentioned earlier, too. And you have to be able to be tough. Like you said, you had to basically put a whole book you already wrote aside and start fresh for this one. So got to roll with the punches.

You’ve got to roll with the punches.

And. it’s hard work. I mean, it’s the hardest work. You’ve seen my background. This is by far the hardest work I’ve ever done. This is by far the most time consuming work I’ve ever done and getting that book. And I think for seven months, I work seven days a week to get that thing. And I have small kids. And so I’m trying to be a good dad and a good husband and a good writer, and it takes a lot of time. So I’m not complaining, but anybody who says you just kind of like, own it in.

It’s not the case, not the case at all.

All right. So where can the Listers find you on your website?

Yeah, just have a new website. So taylormorebooks. Com. So go on there and check it out. And I’ve got links to buy the book if you don’t have a local store or whatever you like to go to. So yeah, Taylormorebooks dot. Com. And you can find me. You can find more about me and you can see I post a lot of pictures of me kind of doing some of the training for everything I do write about. I try to do so whether it’s some of I’ve done and kind of grew up with shooting guns and riding horses and all those things I knew.

But if you go on the site, you’ll see me sort of doing some of the research for that and then a little bit more about my background and the newsletter and all that. So if anybody’s interested, go check out TaylorMORE. Com or taylormorebooks. Com.

Yeah, that would be cool to see you in research.

More. So.

Yeah, definitely. Go check that out. Don Range comes out August 3. By the time people are listening to this will be out. So let’s check it out.

All right.

Taylor, thank you so much for being on the show.

Really great talking with you and enjoyed talking to you too. Alan, thank you for having me on.

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About the Author
I write thriller and crime fiction novels and host the Meet the Thriller Author podcast where I interview authors of mystery, thriller, and suspense books.