
Author Carolyn L. Dean
Carolyn L. Dean has been a published author for a while now, under different names and genres. She is the author of bestselling (over 400,000 copies downloaded) Ravenwood Cove Cozy Mystery series set in a small coastal town in Oregon.

Carolyn is married with kids and lives on the West Coast of the US, where she owns a hobby farm just outside of her favorite small town.

We talk about her writing process, about writing cozy mysteries, the motivation for writing, and a lot more.

Connect with Carolyn L. Dean: Website | Facebook | Twitter

Carolyn L. Dean Books

Ravenwood Cove Cozy Mystery Series

Show Notes

Carolyn’s website: CarolynDeanBooks.com
20Books Vegas – the writer’s conference where I met Carolyn Dean in November.
Murder on the Orient Express movie out now. A good old who-dun-it based on Agatha Christie’s classic novel.

Other Authors mentioned: Beth Byers, Angela C. Blackmoore

Carolyn’s Jessica Fletcher t-shirt is too cool for school:

Jessica Fletcher t-shirt I killed them all

From RedBubble

About the Author
I write thriller and crime fiction novels and host the Meet the Thriller Author podcast where I interview authors of mystery, thriller, and suspense books.

1 comment on “MTTA 59: Carolyn L. Dean

  1. Gail Hedrick says:

    Lovely view ‘behind the scenes’ of how a successful mystery author makes it work!

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