
Featured Guests

MTTA 12 Percival Constantine

Meet Author Percival Constantine Percival Constantine was born and raised in the Chicagoland area and now lives in Japan. He has been working in publishing since 2005 in various...

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MTTA 11 HN Wake

Subscribe on iTunes  Subscribe on Stitcher Subscribe by Email  H.N. Wake has only recently arrived to fiction after living in Africa, Asia and Europe for 20 years where she worked...

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MTTA 10 M.P. McDonald

Subscribe on iTunes  Subscribe on Stitcher Subscribe by Email M.P. McDonald writes the Mark Taylor and C.J. Sheridan series. You can find her on Facebook and on her website....

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MTTA 09 J. David Core

Dave currently resides in his childhood home in Toronto, Ohio. He has worked in the newspaper industry as a photographer, in the online publishing industry as a weekly contributor...

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MTTA 08 Toni Dwiggins

Toni Dwiggins is a third-generation Californian. What she likes most about her state is that one can go from the ocean to the mountains in one day, with a...

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MTTA 07 – R.S. Guthrie

Episode 07 of MTTA features author, R.S. Guthrie. R.S. Guthrie grew up in Iowa and Wyoming and now lives in Colorado with his wife, three young Australian Shepherds, and...

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