
Featured Guests

MTTA 180: Craig Martelle

More Books by Craig Martelle Craig’s Non-Fiction Books for Writers Show Notes and Resources The 20Books Conference info here, especially if you’re intrested in joining. Tickets for the 2022...

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MTTA 179: Vannessa Cronin

Vannessa Cronin arrived in the U.S. from Ireland over two decades ago and has spent the intervening years working in the book industry as a book buyer, a sales...

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MTTA Replay: Glenn Dyer (Ep. 103)

Latest Book Other Books Show Notes and Resources Click here for original interview. Video of my interview with Glenn Dyer back in May 2020. About Pearl Harbor Resemberence Day....

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MTTA 177: Wanda M. Morris

Latest Book Show Notes & Resources Writer orgnaziation’s discussed: Sisters in Crime, Mystery Writers of America, Crime Writers of Color Transcript – Please note, I used an automated software...

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MTTA 176: Mark Edward Langley

Latest Book Other Books Show Notes and Resources Author influences: Robert B. Parker, Mickey Spillane, John D. MacDonald, Ernest Hemingway, Tony Hillerman Actor Bronson Pinchot narrates the Arthur Nakai...

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MTTA 175: Yasmin Angoe

Latest Book Show Notes Author mentions: James Patterson (especially the Alex Cross series) John Grisham Stephen King Terry McMillion Beverly Jenkins Toni Morrison Deadline article about HER NAME IS...

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